Meet Bohdan Sikora, a seasoned tenor whose voice has resonated across global stages

Lviv, Ukraine (1962)
Bohdan Sikora’s journey began in 1962. Born into the embrace of Lviv, a city steeped in cultural richness, his destiny was intertwined with the melody of life. From 1969 to 1977 he studied at secondary school № 67 in Lviv
From Notes to Knowledge: The Early Years (1969-1981)
He completed the Filaret Kolessa Musical and Pedagogical College in 1981, obtaining the title of Teacher of Music and Singing.
Soloist in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Carpathian Army District (1981-1985)
From 1981 to 1985, he was a soloist in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Carpathian Army District.
A Lyrical Pilgrimage at the Lysenko State Conservatory (1985-1990)
From 1985, he studied voice under Oleksander Vrabel (People’s Artist of Ukraine) at the Lysenko State Conservatory in Lviv, graduating in 1990. In 1988 he received recognition from the Mykola Lysenko Republican Contest of Young Opera Singers in Kyiv.
Internship at Franko Theater of Opera and Ballet in Lviv (1989)
In 1989, he interned at the Franko Theater of Opera and Ballet in Lviv.
Soloist at Lviv Opera Studio (1989-1991)
From 1989 to 1991, he sang as soloist of the Lviv Opera Studio, and performed principal tenor parts in the operas: “Anna Snegina” by Vladislav Agafonnikov (Sergei Esenin), “La Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi (Alfredo), “Kupalo” by Anatol Vakhnianyn (Kozak Stepan).
Lviv Men’s Choir “Homin” (1989-1991)
From 1989 to 1991 he was a soloist of the Lviv Men’s Choir “Homin”, with which he toured Ukraine, Poland and the United States.
Performance for Pope John Paul II (1991)
In 1991, he performed for Pope John Paul II at the Villa in Castel Gandolfo (Italy) as a soloist of the “Credo” Choir (Lviv Polytechnic Institute).
Soloist at UKRTHEATR (1991-1995)
He also worked as soloist UKRTHEATR from 1991 to 1995, with whom he toured Ukraine, Poland, Russia, and Canada.
Concert Tours in America and Canada (1996-2004)
From 1996 to 2004, he toured America and Canada as a concert singer, showcasing his talent across North America.
Settling in New York City (2004)
In 2004, he settled in New York City and became a soloist of the Bronx Opera, appearing in various operas by Verdi, Puccini, Bezet, Mozart and others.
International Performances
Throughout his career, he has performed in Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Canada, the United States, etc.